Abandoned Places: The Haunting Tale of an Urbex Explorer

 The world is full of abandoned places, from forgotten factories to dilapidated mansions. For some people, these places are a source of curiosity and adventure. They call themselves urbex explorers, and they're always on the hunt for their next location to explore.

One such explorer was a woman named Alice. She had been exploring abandoned places for years, always searching for the next thrill. She had seen it all, or so she thought. That was until she stumbled upon a place that would change her life forever.

It was an old hospital, one that had been abandoned for years. The building was massive, with long hallways and empty rooms. Alice had heard rumors about the place, stories of strange noises and ghostly apparitions. But she didn't believe in ghosts, and she was determined to explore the hospital.

As she made her way through the dark halls, Alice could feel the weight of the building bearing down on her. It was as if the hospital itself was alive, watching her every move. She tried to shake off the feeling and focused on her surroundings. The walls were peeling, and the floors creaked under her feet. The air was musty, and the smell of decay filled her nose.

Alice's heart raced as she turned a corner and saw something that made her blood run cold. A figure stood in front of her, shrouded in darkness. She couldn't see its face, but she knew it was staring at her. For a moment, she froze in fear, but then she realized that it was just a trick of the light. There was nobody there.

She continued to explore the hospital, but she couldn't shake the feeling that she was being watched. Every sound made her jump, and every shadow made her heart race. It was as if the hospital was alive, and it was trying to scare her away.

Alice eventually made her way to the top floor, where she found a room that looked like it had been untouched for years. There was a bed in the center of the room, with an old blanket and a pillow that had long since lost their fluff. There was a dresser in the corner, with a few articles of clothing still hanging in it. It was as if someone had left in a hurry and never come back.

As Alice looked around the room, she heard a sound that made her blood run cold. It was a low, guttural growl, and it seemed to be coming from underneath the bed. She hesitated for a moment, but then curiosity got the better of her. She knelt down and peered under the bed, only to find a pair of glowing eyes staring back at her.

Alice scrambled to her feet and ran for the door, her heart pounding in her chest. As she made her way down the stairs, she heard something following her. It was the growling again, and it was getting closer. She didn't dare look back, but she knew that something was chasing her.

She burst out of the hospital and into the sunlight, gasping for air. She didn't stop running until she was miles away from the hospital. When she finally stopped, she realized that her hands were shaking, and her heart was still racing.

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Explore an abandoned plane, a bright abandoned town, a natural natural wonder, a dark abandoned subway, or a combination of multiple abandoned places. You're welcome to submit a listing, if you have a favorite place that has been abandoned.

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Urban explorers use subcultural media to document their work.

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Abandoned places offer exciting opportunities for the urban explorer. Other names often used for urban exploration: survivalism, urban exploration, doomsday preppers, and modern-day scavengers.


